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As an artist I value traditional drawing. I think it is the core of creativity, for me at least.

I have made a drawing everyday since autumn 2016. I publish them on my social media feeds

Instagram and Twitter. Below are some draweverydays I have picked from over 2021. With these everydays I either refer from real life such as urban sketching or live Lifedrawing sessions. Alternatively, I develop an idea from my imagination.

and aesthetics. I would recommend everyone to try to draw. I believe no matter how “good” a drawing is, it is one of the best ways to communicate beyond words.

I always start drawing with traditional media, pencil, paper, charcoal etc. Some of these you can see that I have added colour digitally using the 2D paint app Autodesk Sketchbook. I call mixing traditional and digital elements like this “tradigital”.

Check out and follow me on my Instagram or Twitter feed for my latest everydays. Some of these are available to purchase as originals or prints from £66 each.