
9 – EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Nine…Draw! Draw! Draw!…

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9 – EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Nine…Draw! Draw! Draw!…

On April 3, 2015, Posted by , In drawing,drawings, By ,,,,, , With Comments Off on 9 – EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Nine…Draw! Draw! Draw!…

Today, I spent time getting the ant prints just right. Both prints print well now. This trial and error process has taught me a lot about 3d printing for the future. I have also printed out a paper net of the final cloud structure. Over the weekend I am going to make this and also learn as much Arduino as possible! I only have a week now to add the interactive elements. Possible? Yes, I like a challenge! I find life gets boring without one!

Sometimes as with drawing, you just have to pick up a pen and start! The video below shows my development for the fluid composition I want to make for the etching on the perspex. For more information about this residency and other exciting work at the EchoFab FabLab in montreal, check out their blog.

To summarise the process today was –

1. Perfection of the Ant and Bee prints, well, as perfect as I can get them!

2. Finalising the paper structure and print out a small paper net to test the structure over the weekend

3. Drawing a lot of quick abstract fluid ‘energy’ lines. Later I will look at these and decide which one to develop for the final composition on the perspex

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