
Category Archives : FabLab

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How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere

How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere I’m going to show you how you can design, create and make (almost) anything (almost) anywhere you are in the world without spending lots of money. How To Make Almost Anything Almost Anywhere…. Sometimes we feel trapped by where live or what we can do…

3D Printing For Artists – Tips And Ideas

Start Of My 3D Printing Journey… How you can get started or progress on the journey too. March 2015, I started an artist in residency in Montreal Echofab Fablab.  The spring was slow arriving here, snow turned to sludge, sludge turned to cold dirty water, when it was not grey…

Lessons Learned At The EchoFab FabLab Residency In Montreal…

On May 25, 2015, Posted by , In art,FabLab, By ,,,,,,,, , With Comments Off on Lessons Learned At The EchoFab FabLab Residency In Montreal…

In this Youtube video, I talk about some of the important things that I learned at the EchoFab, FabLab during my artistic residency there. About the machines and how I used them etc. Feel free to ask anything or make comments.  FabLabs are great places if you are an artist,…

I Love FabLabs…

“People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things.” R.Buckminster Fuller The Biosphere stands outside Montreal, Canada. it is one of the last remnants of the Expo 67 World’s Fair. Fuller’s Geodesic Dome is what I see as ‘pure’ design….