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Scan Sketch With Autodesk’s Sketchbook Mobile

Scan Sketch With Autodesk’s Sketchbook Mobile “tradigital art” while travelling light Scan Sketch With Autodesk’s Sketchbook Mobile. Here is a great tip! Use the scan sketch feature on Autodesk’s sketchbook for mobiles, it lets you quickly and easily pull your real life  sketches into your smartphone with transparency. In other…

5 Expressive Drawing Tips Slideshare…

On August 20, 2014, Posted by , In 3d,3d graphics,3d mesh,digital art,draw,drawing,drawings,sketch mixed with digital,sketches, By ,,, , With Comments Off on 5 Expressive Drawing Tips Slideshare…

5 Expressive Drawing Tips from James Abell As well as the Expressive drawing tips on the Google air hangout jam. I have made this booklet. I am really passionate about drawing in the expressive way. In this booklet I say that ‘there is no such thing as a bad drawing,…