Lessons Learned At The EchoFab FabLab Residency In Montreal…
In this Youtube video, I talk about some of the important things that I learned at the EchoFab, FabLab during my artistic residency there. About the machines and how I used them etc. Feel free to ask anything or make comments. FabLabs are great places if you are an artist,…
I Love FabLabs…
“People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things.” R.Buckminster Fuller The Biosphere stands outside Montreal, Canada. it is one of the last remnants of the Expo 67 World’s Fair. Fuller’s Geodesic Dome is what I see as ‘pure’ design….
9 – EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Nine…Draw! Draw! Draw!…
Today, I spent time getting the ant prints just right. Both prints print well now. This trial and error process has taught me a lot about 3d printing for the future. I have also printed out a paper net of the final cloud structure. Over the weekend I am going…
5 – EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Five…Everything Is 3D!…
Today was a day to make everything into 3d. Paper, 3d prints. Bring the tentative drawings into the reality of real life sculptural forms. When we represent things in 3d using computer generated imagery and even drawing, we are just using a shadow of the final idea if that ideas…
4 – EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day Four…Starting On The Journey…
After experimenting and ‘learning by doing’ with a lot of the tools in the EchoFab and getting told priceless information by the people there, at day 4, it is time to make progress with the idea for the final art piece! It is like preparing for a journey and finally stepping out,…
1 – EchoFab Fablab Artist In Residence Day One…
I feel very elated at the fact that I was asked to be an artist in residence for a few weeks at the EchoFab Fablab in Montreal, Canada. It is a great opportunity as an artist like myself to be given the facilities that a FabLab has to enable me…